Categories for Tow Truck Service

What to Do After You Get in a Wreck

January 29, 2018 10:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Even if it’s a minor fender bender, getting into an auto accident is every driver’s nightmare. To avoid accidents, we double and triple check for cars before making a turn, put on our turn signals and always give drivers in front of us plenty of room before slowing down. Sadly, even the most careful drivers get in accidents every now and then, and may even have to call a tow truck in Salt Lake City, UT for assistance. Do you know what to do if you find yourself in the unfortunate scenario of being in an accident? Get to safety:... View Article

Avoid the Five Worst Towing Mistakes

January 16, 2018 11:33 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Unless you’re a towing pro, like our team members at AMR Auto Repair & Towing, you probably don’t know as much as you should about towing a trailer behind your truck or SUV. That’s not just an issue for you, your trailer and your vehicle—it’s also a problem for other drivers out on the road. Keep reading to learn some things to check and take notice of while you’re towing something behind your vehicle. Know what you can tow All vehicles aren’t created equal when it comes to towing in Salt Lake City, UT. Smaller vehicles can’t tow as much... View Article

Some Questions and Answers About Semi Trucks

December 13, 2017 11:15 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’ve ever needed to call a towing service in Salt Lake City, UT, it was likely for your car, motorcycle or another smaller vehicle. You might not know that AMR Auto Repair & Towing can also perform heavy duty towing, including towing semi trucks. Beyond that new bit of information, here are some additional interesting facts about the large vehicles you may find yourself sharing the road with, especially on long highway trips. How much of our everyday goods are delivered by semi truck? Estimates find that nearly 70 percent of all products in the United States arrive by... View Article

Stay Safe During a Nighttime Breakdown

October 31, 2017 9:36 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Breaking down on a roadside is stressful enough on its own. Add to that the dark of night, and you’ve got a whole new level of anxiety. Before you call for towing service in Salt Lake City, UT, follow these steps to stay safe until help arrives: Turn on your hazards: The first and easiest step to take as soon as you notice you are having a problem is to throw on your hazard lights. This alerts other drivers to the fact that you are probably slowing down, especially because nighttime makes it even harder for other drivers to gauge... View Article

Advantages of Securing Your Property by Pursuing Private Property Impounds

October 18, 2017 8:52 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Did you know that some towing companies offer a tow service you may not be familiar with, but could possibly benefit from? It’s called private property impounding, and this service is needed more often than you’d think. Let’s say you own a private residential or business property. Unfortunately, people who are not associated with you or your business might trespass with their vehicle, either intentionally or not. A tow service will remove a vehicle from your property and tow it back for impound. Courtesy of a trustworthy tow truck service in Salt Lake City, UT, here’s a closer look at... View Article