Categories for Auto Maintenance

What to Check on a Vehicle That’s Been Sitting for a While

May 12, 2020 2:05 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you have a project car or rarely-used vehicle that has been sitting on your property for a long time, or are considering purchasing a car that has been sitting unused for months or even years, there are some considerations you’ll need to keep in mind before starting it up. Just attempting to start the car as normal could result in some significant damage to its most important systems. Here’s a quick overview of the most important steps to take so you can avoid exacerbating some of those mechanical issues with a car that has been sitting for some time... View Article

Your Spring Vehicle Maintenance Checklist

April 28, 2020 9:42 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The temperatures are rising, which means that it’s time to conduct your spring car maintenance. April is the perfect time to take care of your vehicle maintenance and any necessary repairs so it’s ready to hit the road all spring and summer long. With this in mind, we’ve compiled a list of spring car maintenance tips and repair for our customers in Salt Lake City, UT—if you find that your car needs a little extra attention after the long winter, call the team at AMR Auto Repair & Towing for help today: Change your oil and filter: If you’ve been... View Article

Maintaining a Vehicle During COVID-19

April 14, 2020 9:42 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Like most people in America, you’re probably spending a lot more time at home these days thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re suddenly storing your car in Salt Lake City, UT, it’s important to keep up on your vehicle maintenance, so that you avoid nasty surprises the next time you go to drive your car. If you think it’s going to be more than a month between drives, you’ll need to make sure you’re storing your car properly. Here’s what to do beforehand: Wash and dry thoroughly: Don’t put your car away dirty, unless you want to damage the... View Article