July 28, 2021 1:58 am
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Routine car maintenance is the best way to keep your vehicle in great shape, so it will last as long as possible. Since most of us rely on our cars to get us to work and school, to run errands and more, it’s crucial that you stay on top of these regular maintenance tasks. Bonus: When you keep up with regular maintenance services, your car will run more efficiently. You’ll not only save money on expensive repairs, but you’ll also save money on fuel. Here’s a closer look at the regular car care your vehicle needs. Oil and filter changes... View Article
November 6, 2020 5:42 am
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It can be a bit alarming to move your vehicle out of your garage, only to discover there were some puddles underneath it while it was parked. The good news is that this isn’t always something you need to panic about. If you inspect the fluid and its colors, it will indicate where the fluid came from and whether or not you need to get your vehicle into the shop. Here’s a quick overview of what your puddles might be, based on the color of the fluid and the consistency of the puddle. If you’re not sure what you’re looking... View Article
October 21, 2020 5:42 am
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To keep your vehicle operating in good, efficient condition for as long as possible, it’s important to stick to a routine car maintenance schedule. The next time you drive past your regular auto shop in Salt Lake City, UT, ask yourself if you’ve got service coming due. A lot of car maintenance is based on mileage, which means you need to be aware of some of the basic recommendations for vehicle service at particular mileage intervals. Here is a brief overview of some of those recommended service intervals. 3,000 to 7,000 miles: This is the generally recommended time frame for... View Article
July 29, 2020 8:49 pm
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With the COVID-19 pandemic dominating our lives, many Americans are using their cars much less frequently than normal. Since a large portion of the population is working from home, daily commutes are a thing of the past for many of us, and we don’t get to do as many recreational activities and outings. Maintaining a car that’s seeing less drive time in Salt Lake City, UT is a little different from your normal maintenance, but no less important. Here are some tips to keep in mind to keep your car in drivable shape: Plan to drive for at least 20... View Article
June 19, 2020 11:10 pm
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Communicating about maintenance with your mechanic in Salt Lake City, UT is an important aspect of your vehicle’s care. It’s crucial to communicate clearly and avoid saying the wrong thing. Following are a few of the top phrases you should never use when scheduling vehicle maintenance. “Take as long as you need.” A busy shop has to prioritize orders. If you tell the maintenance mechanic in Salt Lake City, UT that it doesn’t matter when you get your car back, they will give priority to other vehicles. Be flexible so that the mechanic does not feel rushed and can take... View Article