
Important Numbers You Should Always Have in Your Phone

September 29, 2018 5:31 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re like a lot of people, you probably have hundreds of phone numbers saved in your cell phone. Some of those contacts might be people you call or text every day, while others might be people you’ve only met once or twice. Regardless of who you are or where you live, there are a few numbers that you should always have saved in your phone. Let’s take a closer look at some of them: Tow company: First up, you should always have the number of a reliable tow truck in Salt Lake City, UT saved in your contacts. A... View Article

How to Avoid Costly Auto Repair in Salt Lake City, UT—Don’t Ignore These Car Noises!

September 13, 2018 4:38 am Published by Leave your thoughts

No one likes dealing with unforeseen auto issues. So, how can car owners avoid being caught off-guard with costly auto repair in Salt Lake City, UT? First, take care of your vehicle and practice regular/seasonal maintenance. Get the oil changed when the time comes to do so and get a wheel alignment on occasion, for example. Also important is to never ignore certain car noises. The following noises may be warnings of trouble on the horizon: Brakes—Squealing, grinding, growling Old cars are notorious for making all sorts of disconcerting noises, which often turn out to be due to age and... View Article